by linkberlinbms | Oct 30, 2023 | Home, LINK Events
Next week, November 7-9, 2023, the Scholastic Book Fair will take place in the BMS Library! It’s such a fun tradition that brings great books to our BMS readers and all funds raised by our community’s purchase of books are used to add more books to our...
by linkberlinbms | Oct 24, 2023 | Communications, LINK Events, Upcoming Events
Each year we watch our BMS kids shake their tail feathers as they turkey trot their way to Thanksgiving break! Come and join the crowd to cheer on our trotters. Get your “gobble-gobble” ready to go. We will have popcorn and cider for all of our runners and...
by linkberlinbms | Oct 13, 2023 | Home, LINK Events
Our BMS Community hosts a number of small teacher & staff appreciation events throughout the year to show our appreciation for all their efforts caring for and teaching our kids. The October event is hosted by the 4th and 5th grade families. Our 2nd and 3rd grade...
by linkberlinbms | Oct 3, 2023 | Home, LINK Events, Upcoming Meetings
We want our BMS/Tahanto families to be able to enjoy the Tahanto Open House event this week. So, LINK, Inc. moved the October Monthly Meeting to next week – Wednesday, October 11th. It will be at 7:00pm in the BMS Library and on Zoom. We look forward to seeing...
by linkberlinbms | Sep 29, 2023 | Communications
Celebrate the Fall with LINK and our BMS community. This month’s newsletter has a lot of exciting events and activities to share as well. And, check out our Volunteers of the Month! Access the newsletter here.