
Have fun with friends cartoon drawing, and using a variety of art techniques for creatures, animals, and characters. Silly drawing and construction for all age students.

***Please pack your child a nut free snack to enjoy!***

Facilitators: Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. Rossow, Mrs. Murray

Dates and Time: 3:05 – 4:45
October 29, November 5, November 19

Place: Berlin Memorial School Art Room

Cost: $45 (3 weeks) $5.00 discount for second family member

Registration deadline: October 24th

Register by: Filling out form the emergency contact form that was sent home with your child. If you previously filled out an emergency contact form this year for a LINK afterschool program, you do not need to fill out another form. Send the form and payment (cash or check made out to LINK, inc.) to school in an envelope marked “Afterschool Programs”.