by linkberlinbms | Sep 5, 2023 | Communications, Home, LINK Events, Upcoming Meetings
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for the first parent-teacher organization meeting of the school year! We meet in the BMS Library on THURSDAY, SEP 7 at 7pm. Park in the back (near the PPU lineup) and come in the side door. At this month’s meetings...
by linkberlinbms | Aug 30, 2023 | Communications
A new school year, a new month, and a new newsletter! So many exciting opportunities ahead! Check out the September newsletter to learn about all that happened over the summer (great new playground additions) and all that is coming this year! From a Welcome Dance in...
by linkberlinbms | Aug 30, 2023 | Communications, Opportunities
Over the summer our district clarified the guidelines for parents, guardians and supporters to be able to volunteer in our school buildings. This includes a two-part process: 1.Complete the CORI form. 2.Complete the SORI form. It’s pretty easy – visit Mrs. Rapa at the...
by linkberlinbms | Aug 26, 2023 | Communications, LINK Events, Upcoming Events
BMS Families: As we look to kick-off this new school year in style, stop by the school on TUESDAY, August 29th, anytime after 2pm, to “Chalk the Walk!” Leave your messages of luck, hope and excitement for all the kids to see when they arrive the next...
by linkberlinbms | Jul 10, 2023 | Communications
The LINK, Inc. June newsletter is great big THANK YOU to all of our BMS community. Your help allowed us to make it a great year for our students and our BMS teachers and staff. Check out all the news here!