by linkberlinbms | Sep 27, 2023 | Home, LINK Events, Opportunities
Being a kid in today’s digital world isn’t easy. As parents and caregivers, the best thing we can do is educate ourselves so that we can help our kids use the Internet safely—and LINK can help! Family Tech Talk is a free parent education event for schools, from PTO...
by linkberlinbms | Sep 19, 2023 | Home, LINK Events
We can’t wait to bring our BMS Community together for the first family fun event of the year! Grab your Mom, your Dad, your brother, sister, grandma, favorite grown-up and best friend… and come on out on Friday, September 22nd for a great dance! SIgn-Ups...
by linkberlinbms | Sep 19, 2023 | Communications, Home, Opportunities
At the BMS Open House LINK stood up committees to explore and execute on three dream projects. These projects include: An annual Science Fair to our BMS students that integrates with grade-level curriculum Defining and following the process by which the school and...
by linkberlinbms | Sep 5, 2023 | Communications, Home, LINK Events, Upcoming Meetings
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for the first parent-teacher organization meeting of the school year! We meet in the BMS Library on THURSDAY, SEP 7 at 7pm. Park in the back (near the PPU lineup) and come in the side door. At this month’s meetings...
by linkberlinbms | Apr 28, 2023 | Communications, Home
Check out the May newsletter to learn all about our end-of-year lineup of exciting activities! We’ve also got the latest information to prepare you for MONDAY’s town meeting (May 1st) and childcare events. The May enrichment list of opportunities is long!...
by linkberlinbms | Apr 27, 2023 | Communications, Home, Upcoming Events
Last night LINK, Inc. as well as the leadership teams of the rest of our district parent-teacher organizations hosted a join-town budget forum discussing the budget, the town voting process, and preparing everyone to vote this coming Monday, May 1st. You can access...