by linkberlinbms | Apr 28, 2023 | Communications, Home
Check out the May newsletter to learn all about our end-of-year lineup of exciting activities! We’ve also got the latest information to prepare you for MONDAY’s town meeting (May 1st) and childcare events. The May enrichment list of opportunities is long!...
by linkberlinbms | Apr 27, 2023 | Communications, Home, Upcoming Events
Last night LINK, Inc. as well as the leadership teams of the rest of our district parent-teacher organizations hosted a join-town budget forum discussing the budget, the town voting process, and preparing everyone to vote this coming Monday, May 1st. You can access...
by linkberlinbms | Apr 17, 2023 | Communications, Home, Upcoming Events, Upcoming Meetings
Mark your calendar for some very important upcoming dates:May 1st, 7:30 PM – Berlin Memorial GymTown Meeting to vote to approve the town’s 2024 budget. This includes the school district budget and we need to get as many parents as possible in the room to...
by linkberlinbms | Apr 1, 2023 | Home, Opportunities, Upcoming Meetings
At the upcoming April meeting LINK, Inc. we will begin nominating all persons interested in serving on the 2023-24 school year executive committee. If you have interest in serving as one of our leaders, please join us at the April meeting and email us at:...
by linkberlinbms | Apr 1, 2023 | Communications, Home
The April newsletter was sent home with your BMS student on Friday and should have hit your email in-box that same afternoon. Access the news and information for the month here as well! This month’s highlights include: District Funding Challenge – and...
by linkberlinbms | Mar 22, 2023 | Communications, Home, Upcoming Events, Upcoming Meetings
BBRSD Our district is facing an unprecedented gap in funding needed for next year. Historically, our district has kept their budget request of our towns in line with what the towns thought they could offer. That meant updates to technology, curriculum improvement,...