by linkberlinbms | Sep 29, 2023 | Home, LINK Events, Upcoming Events
Join our BMS Community for an exclusive event at Schartner Farms. On Friday, October 20th the corn maze will be ready for BMS kids and families to explore, get lost, and be found while enjoying the sites and sounds of Fall! Bring your family, friends and a flashlight...
by linkberlinbms | Aug 26, 2023 | Communications, LINK Events, Upcoming Events
BMS Families: As we look to kick-off this new school year in style, stop by the school on TUESDAY, August 29th, anytime after 2pm, to “Chalk the Walk!” Leave your messages of luck, hope and excitement for all the kids to see when they arrive the next...
by linkberlinbms | Apr 27, 2023 | Communications, Home, Upcoming Events
Last night LINK, Inc. as well as the leadership teams of the rest of our district parent-teacher organizations hosted a join-town budget forum discussing the budget, the town voting process, and preparing everyone to vote this coming Monday, May 1st. You can access...
by linkberlinbms | Apr 17, 2023 | Communications, Home, Upcoming Events, Upcoming Meetings
Mark your calendar for some very important upcoming dates:May 1st, 7:30 PM – Berlin Memorial GymTown Meeting to vote to approve the town’s 2024 budget. This includes the school district budget and we need to get as many parents as possible in the room to...
by linkberlinbms | Mar 22, 2023 | Communications, Home, Upcoming Events, Upcoming Meetings
BBRSD Our district is facing an unprecedented gap in funding needed for next year. Historically, our district has kept their budget request of our towns in line with what the towns thought they could offer. That meant updates to technology, curriculum improvement,...
by muldoon5 | Jan 5, 2021 | Home, Upcoming Events
Thursday, January 7, 2021, at 7 pm Attend via Zoom (details in email) Introductions Principal Update from John Campbell Grants Update Cultural Show Update March 10 at 12pm – Virtual World of Wonder: Shadow Puppets Past Events The year 2020 ended. Points of Discussion...