Enrichment Programs

A series of hands-on workshops available for students to try new things, explore an interest deeper, or build their skill in areas outside of the typical classroom curriculum! Workshops are lead by BMS parents, community members or guest speakers with interest and capability in the given subject matter; are held after-school, and may have a small cost associated. Attendance is limited so that each participating student may have the time and attention needed for a full learning experience.

Click here to access enrichment registration. 

Want your child to participate in a program but concerned about the cost? Please reach out here for scholarship opportunities. All requests are kept confidential.

Interested in offering a program at BMS? Please click here to complete an information form about your program idea. The LINK Enrichment Program Coordinator will then be in touch to confirm dates and ensure that the program is set up for success!

The more parents we can have involved offering programs, the more enrichment program opportunities we can offer our students. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Questions? Please contact us! LINKEnrichment@gmail.com

News & Information:

LINK, Inc. Governance Update

LINK, Inc. Governance Update

LINK, Inc. leadership has been cleaning up our governance documents to manage our business end in a way that allows us to be transparent with all of you on how we operate, and to be transparent with the government, community partners, and BBRSD in how we manage our...

LINK December Newsletter – Hot Off the Press!

LINK December Newsletter – Hot Off the Press!

The LINK December Newsletter went home this week (Thursday or Friday) and is available to view here as well. Additionally, we're revving up our efforts to connect with all the parents, families and staff of BMS through our email system. Check your email (even your...

January Meeting

Thursday, January 7, 2021, at 7 pm Attend via Zoom (details in email) Introductions Principal Update from John Campbell Grants Update Cultural Show Update March 10 at 12pm – Virtual World of Wonder: Shadow Puppets Past Events The year 2020 ended. Points of Discussion...

November Meeting

Thursday, November 4, 2020 at 7 pm at the Gym at Berlin Memorial School option to attend via Zoom (info in email) Introductions Principal Update from John Campbell Grants Update Cultural Show Update December 9 at 12 pm - Virtual Ezekiel's Wheels Past Events Halloween...

March Meeting with new Call In Feature!

Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 7 pm Library at Berlin Memorial School Can't attend in person? No problem! Try the NEW call-in number. Call: (646) 558-8656 Enter when prompted: Meeting ID: 653 392 544 Passcode: 096 451 Introductions Principal Update from John Campbell...