Mark your calendar for some very important upcoming dates:
May 1st, 7:30 PM – Berlin Memorial Gym
Town Meeting to vote to approve the town’s 2024 budget. This includes the school district budget and we need to get as many parents as possible in the room to vote and support our children’s education.
LINK, Inc. is working with the Tahanto National Honor’s Society and Leo’s Club to provide babysitters at a movie night being held in the cafeteria. Sign your child(ren) up to attend the babysitting movie night! By signing-up in advance, we can get a good idea for how many sitters we need. Movie night drop-off will begin at 7:00pm.
April 26th, 7:00 – 8:00 PM – Tahanto Regional High School Auditorium
Join the leaders of our school district’s parent-teacher organizations to learn the ins and outs of this year’s school district budget and the impact it is having on our town budgets and upcoming town meeting votes.
This one hour event will enable you to learn the details of the budget, understand the process by which the vote will be taken at each town meeting, and learn more about the choices you have to vote for. Let this be a your opportunity to become an informed voter.
Student & Family Representative Letters, Monday, April 24th
We have a good start to a collection of student letters written to our state legislature representatives informing them of our school budget needs and asking for support addressing the funding issues. If you haven’t yet got those letters written – please complete your letters and send them into school the Monday after break! We’ll take the full collection of letters from BMS, Tahanto and Boylston Elementary, directly to our representatives. Our voices together can make a big impact not only on this year’s school budgets, but on the conversation that will continue into the year’s ahead.