UPDATE:  The Berlin Town Meeting has been set for:  Monday, June 17th at 6:30pm. The location will be the BMS Gym.

Free childcare will be provided in the BMS library (and on the playground weather permitting). Sign-in starts at 6:15pm. Please sign-up in advance so that we can plan for the correct number of kids!

After the challenging results of the Berlin Town Meeting vote for the District School Budget, the District and School Committee regrouped. They heard the message from parents and town’s members alike – a transparent view of the budget needs for our schools is a requirement. And, as of last Friday afternoon they have released an overview document detailing what is driving cost changes and a line item budget for the BMS portion of the Town of Berlin assessment.

It is our understanding that a Tahanto memo is in the works.

The BMS Line Budget & Memo can be found here: 


 Also access it on the BBRSD website: https://www.bbrsd.org/school-committee/home

What We Have Learned

There has been some great work done by caring community members and parents who have taken the time to dig further into the details of our budget challenge. Some highlights of what has been learned:

1. Our regional school district requested budget is well within the range of budgets for FY25 that other similar sized regional districts have requested. Meaning, this budget is warranted and justified for delivering educational services to our students.

2. The FY25 operational budget for BMS is LESS than the FY24 operational budget that was supported by the town. The difference is last year our town voted to use “Free Cash” to support a little more than $300K in that cost. 

3. FY24 appropriated funds were used by the District to create the “Bridges” program at BMS. This brings more Special Education capability (through dedicated educators, support services, special learning tools, etc.) into our district. This change allowed more students to be served in our school (specifically at BMS) rather than be placed in out-of-district education solutions. This actually creates a cost SAVINGS for special education services for the district and allows more students and families to participate in our school community. This is a long-term WIN WIN for those students, BMS and the town!

4. Research provided by BMS Parent Jason Paquette demonstrates that our district is on par with other similarly sized and performing districts in the state of Massachusetts. Meaning, the budget request for FY25 made by the district aligns with other districts spending. His research also demonstrates that those districts spending less per student (as the town’s proposed budget would offer) have student performance that suffer greatly in comparison. It’s not a surprise that in order to maintain excellent schools where students perform well, they must receive the financial investment necessary. 

Town Meeting Information

The Berlin Town Select Board set the date for the second town meeting and required vote for the School Budget. Please mark your calendars and secure your childcare for Monday, June 17th starting at 6:30pm. 

If you have the ability to postpone summer plans and ensure that you are in town, please begin making those arrangements now. Childcare will be provided in the BMS library – coordinated by LINK and staffed by teachers and parents (CORI’d) from Tahanto and Boylston Elementary School. Please sign-up so that we can get the full number of registered voters to the meeting. 

Please continue to check this article regularly as we update it with the latest information regarding the District budget and the Town Meeting. 


See you all at the Second Town Meeting – June 17th @ 6:30pm!