Does your child have an interest in baking?
In this two day program children will be introduced to
- reading a recipe
- what constitutes an ingredient
- how to follow a recipe
- how to measure ingredients
- and how to create a couple New England Autumn delights from scratch!
Participants will each bring home an Oreo infused cake pop and an apple turnover (to be baked at home, directions included, as we won’t have access to an oven).
Facilitators: Julie Felo and Julie Lee
Dates and Time: 3:05 – 4:30
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade – November 13 & 14
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade – November 15 & 16
Place: BMS Cafeteria
Cost: $40 ($5.00 discount for sibling)
Registration deadline: November 8th
Register by: Filling out form the emergency contact form that was sent home with your child. If you previously filled out an emergency contact form this year for a LINK afterschool program, you do not need to fill out another form. Send the form and payment (cash or check made out to LINK, inc.) to school in an envelope marked “Taste of Autumn”.